Financial Security Programs


girl scouts in front of yurt as Summer Fun Days

Focus Area


Creating a stronger financial future for every generation.

VITA Tax Preparation

VITA Tax Prep

File your taxes for Free this year with VITA and My Free Taxes! To schedule an appointment with a trained tax preparer to file for free call United Way at 906-226-8171 or to file on your own for free

volunteer income tax group united way collaborative graphic

ALICE Report

What is the 'Alice' Report?

Asset-Limited, Income-Constrained, Employed

Of Michigan's 4,056,442 households in 2022…

  • 13% earned below the Federal Poverty Level (FPL)

  • 28% were ALICE, in households that earned above the FPL but not enough to afford the basics in the communities where they live

  • Together, 41% of households in Michigan were below the ALICE Threshold (poverty + ALICE divided by total households)

United For Alice Pie Chart

It is a complex term for a population we know too well. ALICE is working hard, but barely surviving and definitely not thriving. ALICE is part of our economic engine but ALICE is struggling. ALICE may be a college student, working and going to school hoping for a better life or a senior citizen making a difficult choice between food, housing and prescriptions. ALICE could be a working dad, with childcare, transportation and housing costs that leave very little to provide shoes for his children. ALICE is many of us.

Financial Security Resources

How To Contribute

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