Camp S.T.A.R.
"I lost my mom to a homicide-suicide very unexpectedly when I was thirteen years old. I was very angry and I did not understand why God would do this to my family. I really struggled with the grieving process; I just kept bottling everything in. I felt as if no one was going to understand how I felt. I felt alone. When I arrived at Camp STAR I no longer felt alone seeing all of these other children going through the same pain I was. There was someone I could finally relate too and that was a huge turning point for me. As the days passed on, I learned how to cope with the way I was feeling, whether it was painting my emotions out, talking about them, or writing about them. Camp STAR provided me tools to cope. I did not leave camp fixed and no longer broken, I left knowing that I was not alone and that it was okay to be feeling the way I was. Camp STAR changed my life I am forever grateful." - L.C. 2013 Camper
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